Sunday Youth Gatherings

Pre-K and Kindergarten (Ages 3-5 (potty trained)):

Students begin building a relationship with God by learning about stories in the Bible.

First Grade:

Students continue building their relationship with God by learning prayers and continuing to study stories in the Bible.

Second Grade (First Communion):

Students prepare for the sacrament of First Holy Communion.

Third Grade:

Students prepare for the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Fourth and Fifth Grades:

Students Focus on learning about the Bible - Old and New Testaments and life with Christ.

Middle School (6th,7th and 8th grades)

Learn and apply how to live a moral life.

Confirmation I (9th and 10th grade)

Reviewing all previous lessons and fully applying it to their lives. The beginning of their personal faith-walk. An independent faith- walk where they assume responsibility for life decisions.

Confirmation II (10th and 11th grade):

Students prepare for the sacrament of confirmation with a focus on service and worshipping as a Catholic Christian.

Post Confirmation (12th grade and up):

Continue to apply lessons learned and apply to life situations in the form of Bible study

Additional Gathering activity:

Students gather bi-weekly for activities such as music, dance, step, art, drama, Lego Club, Technology, movement and a wall mural.